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In this new webinar, we are going to share some practical ideas on the importance of training follow-up and how to reinforce newly acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes. Make sure to join us on 28 February afternoon, it is FREE!

We’ll talk about how to increase motivation for learning transfer after the training programme and to create a long-lasting impact in your organization. During this webinar, our guest will be Practify's Ms. Anna Magos.

Bezpłatne webinaria Simteam AC 2017-02-28 - THE ART OF EFFECTIVE TRAINING FOLLOW-UP

Have you ever thought about to what extent training programmes are effective? How do you make sure that new behaviour sticks in the long term? In this webinar, we are going to share some practical ideas on the importance of training follow-up and how to reinforce newly acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes. We’ll talk about how to increase motivation for learning transfer after the training programme and to create a long-lasting impact in your organization. During this webinar, our guest will be Ms. Anna Magos.

About our guest, Ms. Anna Magos

Anna Magos is an organisational psychologist and pioneer in effective learning methods and technologies. She worked as an organizational development consultant at Corporate Values Ltd. Now, she is the catalyst of Practify’s business development team. At Practify, she is working on creating the methodology and software to make sure that knowledge and skills are reinforced after training programmes, thus maximizing training programmes’ impact.


This webinar is free but subject to registration. Please do not forget to use your promo code upon registration - with the following .

DATE: 2017-02-28 16:00

Promo code: WSL11

Here is the link for the registration:


All times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST, GMT+1).

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