Questionnaire for the translator/interpreter Personal data First Name* Last Name* Address* Phone* Fax E-mail* Internet Instant Messenger (Skype) EDUCATION Name of university or college, faculty, specialization, study start and completion dates* Completed courses* Certificates* QUALIFICATION TO WORK AS A SWORN TRANSLATOR (LANGUAGE AND NO. OF CERTIFICATE) DO YOU WORK FULL-TIME? LANGUAGES - ALL PAIRS (from ... into ...) EXPERIENCE IN TRANSLATING source language, target language, number of pages, field, name of the company and of the person who could furnish references EXPERIENCE IN INTERPRETING language pair, mode of interpreting, number of hours, field, name of the company and of the person who could furnish references PREFERRED TYPE OF TRANSLATION: Select written consecutive simultaneous COMPANIES OR TRANSLATION AGENCIES YOU HAVE COOPERATED WITH company/translation agency, period of cooperation TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS YOU HAVE COOPERATED WITH first and last name of the translator/interpreter, period of cooperation Translation NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSLATED PER DAY EXPECTED REMUNERATION: Written translation into Polish / 1800 characters into a foreign language / 1800 characters EXPECTED REMUNERATION: Interpreting consecutive / 4 h simultaneous / 4 h EXPECTED REMUNERATION: Proofreading into Polish / 1800 characters into a foreign language / 1800 characters CONSTRUCTION architecture road and bridge construction geodesy electrical systems gas installation sanitary systems construction law agreements other EDUCATION+ methodology pedagogy trainings other ECONOMY AND BANKING audit banking economy finance IT/TELECOMMUNICATIONS IT IT hardware websites mobile telephony telecommunications other CULTURE & ART art history cultural studies painting sculpture theatre and cinema other ARTS AND HUMANITIES archaeology journalism ethnology geography philosophy history linguistics study of literature politics psychology religious studies sociology other SCIENCE astrology/astronomy chemistry physics mathematics statistics other MEDICINE allergology biology biotechnology surgery dermatology endocrinology pharmacy genetics gynaecology ENT natural medicine athletic recovery paediatrics psychiatry rehabilitation dentistry medical equipment veterinary medicine other LAW administrative law copyright law banking law civil law criminal law constitutional law international law labour law commercial law agreements European Union acts and ordinances other INDUSTRY/ENGINEERING automation and robotics health & safety heat engineering electronics power industry mining metallurgy chemical engineering civil engineering sanitary engineering environmental engineering engineering railways forestry aviation theoretical mechanics precision engineering metallurgy motorization environment protection heavy industry cosmetology industry consumer goods industry petroleum industry clothing industry food industry ship building agriculture transport textiles other ADVERTISEMENT AND MARKETING marketing HR PR advertisement other SPORTS/TOURISM sports tourism tourism - catalogues tourism - offers other OTHER UPLOAD YOUR CV AND COVER LETTER Allowed file extensions: .pdf, .doc, .docx ,.odt, .rtf * I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed by L2 for the purposes of recruitment (pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August, 1997, Journal of Laws [Dziennik Ustaw] No. 133, Item 883). W przypadku woli udziału w projektach rekrutacyjnych w przyszłości prosimy o dołączenie dodatkowej klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w dokumentach aplikacyjnych w celu udziału w innych projektach rekrutacyjnych prowadzonych w przyszłości przez L2 – Language Consulting sp. z o.o.”. Administratorem danych osobowych zawartych w formularzu jest L2 – Language Consulting sp. z o.o. z siedzibą pod adresem: ul. Marszałkowska 8/17, 00-590 Warszawa, tel.: 22-622-40-98, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Dane będą przetwarzane do podjęcia działań na Pana/Pani żądanie w celu przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacyjnego, którego dotyczy złożona aplikacja lub nawiązania współpracy w oparciu o umowę cywilnoprawną. Dane będą przetwarzane do czasu zrealizowania lub zaprzestania realizowania ww. celów. Przysługuje Panu/Pani prawo do żądania dostępu do podanych danych, jak również do ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania. Może Pan/Pani wnieść skargę do GIODO. Podanie powyższych danych jest dobrowolne, lecz niepodanie ich będzie skutkowało niemożnością realizacji celów, o których mowa powyżej. Submit tweet