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WE OFFER English language course on-line - "Telephone calls"


L2 Language School offers you the E-learning Telephoning course. It includes vocabulary on telephoning and is among the first subject units offered. The course is available on-line and does not require buying any additional CDs or installing any software.
We offer two packages of the E-learning Telephoning course - standard and extra.
The standard package consists of a full English course on telephoning. The course includes materials conveniently divided into separate units, progress tests and a final test. In case of this version exercises are checked with the key provided. The extra package includes 12 additional exercises and an extended final test. The biggest advantage of this package is the contact with the teacher, who checks and verifies each exercise done by the student. A commentary is attached to each exercise and they are sent back to the student's account. The price of both packages is presented in the price list.